
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Battlefield 4 Trailer

Dice Interactive released a 17 minute trailer last Wednesday detailing a mission from their campaign. The trailer, titled "Fishing in Baku" created a large stur in the gaming community as this marks the longest example of "next-gen" footage released to-date. The trailer can be found here:

Personally, I found the trailer to be impressive, but only at key moments. The trailer was clearly created to show off different cababilties of the Frostbite 3 engine. Facial animation was a highlight, along with lighting effects. The amount of content that can be displayed on screen was also clearly something that they wanted to show off, highlighted with the flock of birds near the middle of the trailer, and the building crumbling near the end. 

Crumbling Building
Less impressive were the gun motions (bringing the gun up to sights, reloading) which seemed rigid. Even less impressive were the death animations. As games become more and more realistic graphically, items of a game that don't live up to that level of realism really can take you out of the experience. If you look at the enemy animations after they die in the trailer, they look pre-canned. There might possibly be a set difference between the animation of a man being shot in the legs compared to a man shot above the torso, however even if there is, there is clearly only a small number of canned animations for the game to chose from. This is not "next-gen". 

The explosions are gorgeous though.

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